
  I first encountered 'Natural Human ceramides' in 2017, connecting with Representative Director Yukatsu Miyanabe of Genuine R&D, Co., Ltd, (a subsidiary of Rohto Pharmaceutical), through our shared interest in classic cars.

  My store deals in classic car parts, a restaurant, and American casual jewelry and apparel.  So, when we meet, our conversations mostly revolve around cars to some extent.

  One day, during my third attempt at steroid withdrawal as someone with atopic dermatitis, Mr. Miyanabe, upon visiting the store, looked at my inflamed and irritated face, and introduced me to the Genuine R&D Co., Ltd.'s skin cream containing "natural human ceramides" as well as edible "natural human ceramides."

  After using the cream for a few months, my facial skin miraculously became as smooth as it was when I was a high school student 40 years ago. I have attempted steroid withdrawal twice before but have experienced setbacks.

  I suffered from atopic dermatitis from ages 3 to 6, at 18, and from 29 to 55.  The troubles I had been facing suddenly disappeared.

  After that, conversations (more like 100% teaching than just conversations) with Mr. Miyanabe became more about health-related and immune-related topics rather than discussions about classic cars.

  Genuine R&D Co., Ltd.'s beauty serum containing "natural human ceramides" and "natural human-type ceramide" have obtained patents and also have human clinical trial data available.

  Even if it's just for the local market, I'd rather create this product than regret not doing so.  I decided to start producing at our store the '(Purple Cera)' beauty serum containing "natural human ceramides" from Mr. Miyanabe's Genuine R&D Co., Ltd. as well as "Cera-Tab" edible tablets containing "natural human ceramides".

  Now in my mid-50s myself, I plan to continue operating the classic American casual wear store. However, I also aim to explore a new genre, Beauty & Health Supplements, to ensure a happy and healthy life for the rest of my years.

  Therefore, I am also happy if I can introduce better products, wishing that our customers can enjoy a happy and healthy life.

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